About the book:
Fifteen years ago, Lainey O'Toole made a split-second decision. She couldn't have known that her choice would impact so many.
Now in her mid-twenties, she is poised to go to culinary school when her car breaks down in Stoney Ridge, the very Amish town in which her long-reaching decision was made, forcing her to face the shadowed past.
Bess Reihl is less than thrilled to be spending the summer at Rose Hill Farm with her large and intimidating grandmother, Bertha. It quickly becomes clear that she is there to work the farm--and work hard. The labor is made slightly more tolerable by the time it affords Bess to spend with the handsome hired hand, Billy Lapp. But he only has eyes for a flirty and curvaceous older girl.
Lainey's and Bess's worlds are about to collide and the secrets that come to light will shock them both.
"Beautifully written, 'The Search' is a skillfully woven story that takes readers through unexpected twists and turns on the long country road toward truth. Fans both old and new will find themselves immersed in this heartwarming--and surprising--tale of young love, forgiveness, and coming to grips with the past."
My review:
I was curious about this series of books so when I read that Lit fuse was offering this one as a blog tour I put my name in and was lucky enough to be selected. I had submitted my name for one of the prior books but was not selected that time around to participate. It is interesting to get a peek into the lives of the Amish people. The only other fiction book I can recall reading recently about an Amish community was Jodi Picolt’s
Plain Truth. I enjoyed this book more than
Plain Truth.
Fifteen year old Bess and her father Jonah live in Ohio in an Amish community. Jonah moved away from his father and mother after an accident between his buggy and a truck caused the death of his wife and a trial that put him in the spotlight which he was uncomfortable with. Bertha, his mother and Bess’s grandmother, writes to ask that Bess come stay with her for the summer because she needs her help. It turns out there is more behind her request than might have been expected. Lainey has returned to Stoney Valley (??) after a fifteen year absence. Her mother and baby sister died fifteen years ago at the same time as the accident and her step-father disappeared so she was taken into foster care and has been working to save money to go to culinary school. Her car dies in town and she winds up with a job in a bakery and a room to rent so she stays, becoming friends with Bess and getting reacquainted with Bertha.
I really enjoyed seeing how these lives fit together and where they went from the beginning of the story to the end. It was also heartening how much the characters trusted in God for the paths that opened or closed in front of them. Lainey has some tough decisions to make based on things from the past that she trusted to God. Once I started reading I had a difficult time putting the book down. Even Bess at fifteen seemed to have more trust in her direction than many adults I’ve met.
One of the things Lainey notices about her Amish friends is that they accept each task for what it is and don’t rush on to finish it, but value each for the worth it has. Bess shows Lainey how to wash sheets using a hand wringer. It is much harder than going to the Laundromat or using a washing machine at home, but instead of trying to hurry through this chore Bess accepts it and does it until she is done. So often I find myself rushing through something because I have more to do. Laundry for my family of 6 can be overwhelming and it seems I am always rushing to get all the chores done. I never really stop to appreciate each task for what it is. Maybe we as a non-Amish society would find more joy in things if we saw the value in them, doing laundry supplies your family with clean clothes and grocery shopping keeps your family from going hungry. That there really is a value to all the little things one does in a day.
The other thing I really noted in the book and thought was of value was how willing neighbors were to help each other out and to put their resources together for the good of the whole. Two characters get married in the story and the whole community pools there glasses and chairs and plates so there is enough for the celebration. So often people are unwilling or afraid to share with others, but these people valued each other more than their possessions and really connected with one another.
About Suzanne:
In no particular order, Suzanne Woods Fisher is a wife, mother, writer, lifelong student of the Bible, raiser of puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, a gardener and a cook...the latter two with sporadic results.
Suzanne has loved to write since she was a young teen. After college, she started to write for magazines and became a contributing editor for Christian Parenting Today magazine. Her family moved to Hong Kong for four years, just as the internet was developing, and she continued to write articles in a 44-story high-rise apartment, sending manuscripts 7,000 miles away with a click of a key.
After returning from Hong Kong, Suzanne decided to give her first novel a try. For four and a half months, she worked on an antediluvian computer in a cramped laundry room. She didn't even tell her husband what she was up to. When the novel was completed, she told her family at dinner one night that she had written a book. "That's why there's no food in this house!" said her slightly insensitive sons.
Undaunted...Suzanne found a small royalty publisher for that book and wrote three more (all earned multiple awards). With help from an agent, she now has numerous books under contract with Revell. Also look for Suzanne's Amish non-fiction, Amish Peace: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World, a non-fiction book of stories and examples about the Old Order Amish, as well as Amish Proverbs, and coming in Spring of 2011, look for Amish Values for Your Family. The Choice and The Waiting are the previous books in the Lancaster County Secrets Collection.
Writing, for Suzanne, is a way to express a love of God and His word. With every book or article, she hopes readers get a sense of what faith really looks like in the daily grind. She hopes they realize that life can be hard, but God is good, and never to confuse the two.
Suzanne can be found on-line at: www.suzannewoodsfisher.com
Link to buy the book:
http://www.amazon.com/Search-Novel-Lancaster-County-Secrets/dp/0800733878/ref=sprightly-20The Search is available now in stores everywhere and to celebrate Suzanne is hosting The Search iPad Giveaway!
http://litfusegroup.com/Blog-Tours/the-search-by-suzanne-woods-fisher.htmlOne Grand Prize winner will receive an iPad Prize Package worth over $500 and includes:
* A brand new iPad (16KB with Wi-Fi)
* Signed copies of all three Lancaster Country Secrets books (The Choice, The Waiting, & The Search)
To enter, simply click on the icons below to fill out the entry form/s, then tell 5 or more friends about the contest. Oh, and enter soon! Winner will be announced on February 3rd at Suzanne's Everything is Coming Up Roses Facebook Party. (Did you know The Search takes place on a rose farm?)
About the Facebook Party:
Join Suzanne for the Everything is Coming Up Roses Facebook Party on February 3rd! She’ll be announcing the winner of the The Search iPad Giveaway, hosting a book club discussion of The Search, giving away copies of all three books and HEAPS of other readerly prizes! Including roses delivered to your door for three months for you AND a friend! Be sure to join us on Thursday, February 3rd at 5:00 PM PST (6:00 MST, 7:00 CST & 8 EST) at Suzanne’s Author Page.
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154369574615067Blog Tour Schedule:
Charlene at Quintessentially Quilly
http://quilldancer.com/Mocha with Linda
http://mochawithlinda.blogspot.com/Christina at Will Blog 4 Books
http://willblog4books.blogspot.com/Melanie at The Ramblings of Two Readers
http://www.ramblingsof2readers.blogspot.com/Wendi's Book Corner - Rainy Day Reads in Seattle
Wendy at wall-to-wall books
http://wall-to-wall-books.blogspot.com/Tina’s Book Reviews
http://www.tinasbookreviews.com/Jennifer at Reflections in the Window
http://www.reflectionsinthewindow.blogspot.com/Debra at Footprints in the Butter
http://debrakb.blogspot.com/Sarah at Mommy's Minute
Jill at Book, Books Everywhere
http://bookbookseverywhere.blogspot.com/Apple Blossom at 4 the LOVE of BOOKS
http://myheartbelongs2books.blogspot.com/Beckie at RBC Library
http://rbclibrary.wordpress.com/Melissa at Cafe Lily Book Reviews
http://redlilycafe.blogspot.com/Maggie at Tethered Mommy
Brenda at WV Stitcher
http://www.kittycrochettwo.blogspot.com/Anne at Mommy Has to Work
http://mommyhastowork.com/Amy at The 160 Acrewoods
http://www.the160acrewoods.com/Ruth at This That and the Other Thing
http://rannthisthat.blogspot.com/tasra mar transform
Mindy at A Room without Books is Empty
http://detweilermom.blogspot.com/Chelle at Chasing the Divine
http://www.chelled.blogspot.com/Julia at Thou Art Jules
http://www.thouartjules.com/Lena at A Christian Writer's World
http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com/Lynn Dove's Journey Thoughts
Amber at Snidbits
Debra at Footprints in the Butter
Annette at Annie's Eyes
http://ageffert@wordpress.comMichele at My Blessings From Above
http://koreamom.blogspot.com/Heather's Heartfelt Stitches
http://heathersheartfeltstitches.blogspot.com/Tammy's Book Parlor
http://tgteecher.blogspot.com/Caroline at Happy Four
Karla at Quiet Quilter
http://www.karla-hanns-karla.blogspot.com/Jennifer at Rundpinne
http://www.rundpinne.com/Wendy at Minding Spot
http://mindingspot.blogspot.com/Janet at Along the Way
http://a-long-the-way.blogspot.com/Julie at One Rainy Afternoon
Kaylea at My Scrappy Life
http://kaytebug2002.blogspot.com/Stephanie at Coupon Clippin Mommy
http://www.couponclippinmommy.com/Elana at The Twinners Reviews & Giveaways
http://www.thetwinners.com/Shonda at The Knowlton Nest
http://www.jsknowlton.blogspot.com/Annette at A Well-Watered Garden
Sharon at I Dream Of Writing for God
http://sharonalavy.blogspot.com/Sherry at My Journey Back
http://www.myjourneyback-thejourneyback.blogspot.com/Melissa at Real Heart Prints
http://www.realheartprints.com/Isabelle at Canadian Ladybug Reviews!
http://www.canadianladybugreviews.com/Prerna at Prerna at The Mom Writes
Musings By Lynn
http://www.musingsbylynn.blogspot.com/Renee at A Path of Joy
http://renee1-blog.blogspot.com/Lauri at Knits and Reads
http://knitsandreads.blogspot.com/Rel at Relz Reviewz
http://relzreviewz.blogspot.com/Jodie at Jodie at Mom's Pace
Hillary at Our Homeschool Studio
http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/hillarymPamela at Daysong Reflections
http://daysongreflections.com/Lizzie at A Dusty Frame
http://www.adustyframe.com/Marissa at The Review Stew
http://thereviewstew.blogspot.com/Jill at Frugal Plus
Jenifer at Parris Ponderings
http://www.jmparris.blogspot.com/Nicole at Simple Little Home
http://simplelittlehome.blogspot.com/Janet at Janet at Home Is Where God Sends You
http://www.homeiswheregodsendsyou.blogspot.com/Jennifer at Mrs. Q: Book Addict
http://web.me.com/quirionPaula at Thrifty mommas brain food
Ponderings by Andrea
http://andrealschultz.blogspot.com/Tammy atBluerose's Heart
http://www.bluerosesheart.blogspot.com/Carrie at Farming On Faith
http://farmingonfaith.blogspot.com/Hey, It's Lorri Jeanne
http://lorrijeanne.wordpress.com/Renee at Doorkeeper
Kathleen at Reviews From The Heart
http://reviewsfromtheheart.blogspot.com/Jacque at Good Family Reads
http://familyreads.blogspot.com/Amber at Seasons of Humility
http://www.seasonsofhumility.blogspot.com/Heidi at Reviews & Reflections
http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/Brittanie at A Book Lover
Stefany @ ToBeThode
http://www.tobethode.com/Amy atGirlfriends Get Real
http://girlfriendsgetreal.com/Robin at Scribbles of the Heart
http://www.scribblesoftheheart.com/Tracy's Book Nook
http://www.tracysbooklet.info/Stacie at Simply Stacie
Lori at Two Southern Girls
http://twosoutherngirls.com/Dawn atGuiding Light Homeschool
http://homeschoolblogger.com/guidinglight/Ashley at Ashley's Bookshelf
http://ashleysbookshelf.blogspot.com/Jodie at Digging For Pearls
http://diggingforpearls.blogspot.com/Kristie at Family, scrapbooks and coffee
http://needcoffeeplease.blogspot.com/Brooks at Victorious Cafe
http://victoriouscafe.com/Suzanne Woods Fisher's latest installment of the Lancaster County Secrets, The Search
, is just out and to celebrate Suzanne is hosting The Search iPad Giveaway!
One Grand Prize winner will receive an iPad Prize Package worth over $500 and includes:
To enter, simply click on the icons below to fill out the entry form/s, then tell 5 or more friends about the contest. Oh, and enter soon! Winner will be announced on February 3rd at Suzanne's
Everything is Coming Up Roses Facebook Party. (Did you know
The Search takes place on a rose farm?)
Facebook Party:
Join Suzanne for the Everything is Coming Up Roses Facebook Party on February 3rd! She’ll be announcing the winner of the The Search iPad Giveaway, hosting a book club discussion of
The Search, giving away copies of
all three books and HEAPS of other readerly prizes!
Including roses delivered to your door for three months for you AND a friend! Be sure to join us on Thursday, February 3rd at 5:00 PM PST (6:00 MST, 7:00 CST & 8 EST) at
Suzanne’s Author Page.