Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Teacher by Freida McFadden


I listened to this audiobook while I was at the beach, taking walks around town and listening as I listened to Eve who seems to hate her job as a teacher and her teacher husband Nate, who really, really loves shoes and misses her mentor who lost his job due to rumors.  Then there was Addie, a student in both Eve and Nate, who is at the heart of last years rumors and is being shunned by her best friend and bullied by the most popular girl at school.  At times you get to hear it all from Nate's point of view as well.

As I was walking around town I was wondering if I liked any of them and who I disliked the most, no spoiler for which one  but by the end there was one of them that I really did not like and had little sympathy for.  I liked that we were seeing it from each of their sides so when you were in Eve's head you knew all she knew, when you in Addie's you knew all she knew, Nate didn't come in until a bit later, the beginning of the book was the other two, but you got a much clearer picture of it all when he was added in there too.

Since this is Freida I knew there would be some twists and some darkness and those are definitely there, I wanted to love it but have to say I did not which mainly had to do with some of the events and situations, the issues were just too much for me at times.

So who can you trust and who do you go to in a school when you are having trouble?  What do you do when what you think is real is not?  Or when you find out that you aren't the first one who has been in this situation?  

If you want to read this twisty story and make your own decisions about it you can reach it here

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