Monday, September 21, 2009

Libraries and Books and More, Oh my!

Tonight I made it to one of our local libraries that I don't get to as often as I would like and I had so much fun browsing around. I love libraries and bookstores alike, but I love borrowing things. As mentioned in previous posts, borrowing something does tend to put a rush on reading it since you know it will have to be returned at some point. Even with putting a lot of things back on the shelves I still walked out with four more books to read for myself, along with books on CD to listen to with my children in the car and picture books to read with them. All four of them are only 2 week books so I guess I'll have to reorder my TBR pile again. Years ago I read a book about the publishing industry and it stated that on average 4000 books are published each day. Many of those books are textbooks or specialized ones for technical fields and the like, but still 4000 books a day! No wonder it is so easy to find books that look interesting with how many there are to choose from. It also makes me wonder how hard it is for an author or publisher to get one book out of all those noticed and made into a best seller. Kudos to all those authors who are out there putting their books on the shelves for readers to find.

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