Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Snapshot- September 10, 2011- First Day Of School

This was the first week of school for my children, but due to the flooding rains in the Northeast they had two cancellations, so they only went to school two of the four days.  The first day was Tuesday.  Unfortunately I still haven't gotten my camera working right since sand got in it at the beach so I had an old one ready to go, or so I thought.  When I tried to take before school pictures the battery was dead, even though the night before it was fine, so my first day of school shots were the kids getting off the bus at the end of the day.

You can't see it in the picture, but it was raining when they got home.  It rained for pretty much three whole days.  Our neighborhood was not hit as hard as others in the area.  We were all thankful when Friday came that they were able to go to school.  Using up both allotted snow days in the first week of school has to be some kind of record!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books


  1. Here's hoping for a drier week next week for school.
    We are due to get some storms in the UK on Monday. The maps so far predict it will miss us here in East Anglia but we will see


  2. Here's hoping you don't have to have any make-up days this year.

  3. All that rain must have been quite something. It missed us here in Ontario, but we could see the bank of clouds over the lake and to the southeast. Your kids look ready for school! Very sweet :)

  4. I love first day of school pics (coming or going, haha). I hope that's the last of bad weather for you!

  5. Yay for the first day of school! I hope the weather dries up for you.

  6. I love the idea of first day of school. But my kids have never ridden a school bus, and, actually, I didn't either. Hope yours get to ride the bus more often once that rain clears us.

  7. Great shots, in spite of the rain. Yes, school day pix have been filling up my photo folder lately, too. I love the eager first days. Even if the eagerness shows up at the end of the day!

    It's been a long time since my kids were in school, but nowadays, I grab photos of the grandkids.


  8. I looks like they've had a nice day, regardless of weather.
    For me it's funny that they close the schools because of rain, however much. That would never happen here. I guess we're to adjusted to torrential rain :-)

  9. Those are adorable! And what is more fun than walking in the rain?

    Saturday Snapshot

  10. Wonderful pics and memories! LOVE the pink tennis shoes!

  11. Wow, that's a lot of rain! Cute kiddos!

  12. Hi!
    Great snapshots! We've had a misty rain all week. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  13. The kids are adorable! I hope your weather calms down and your arae dries out. It's crazy to think your snow days are gone already!

  14. I'm sure that is a record! :) I'm glad you guys weren't hit as badly with the flooding and that you are okay.

  15. I'm glad you're okay with all that rain (and wish we could get some of that over here. It keeps clouding up, but then passing us by. It would help you folks in East out if we in the Midwest could drain the clouds a bit before they got there....

    Here's my Snapshot:

  16. Perhaps if you get all the moisture out of the air as rain there won't be any snow days, or snow!

    Seriously, I hope it stops raining there soon. You've had quite enough already.

  17. Your kids are so cute and they're smiling at the end of the first day...great sign! It's unbelievable that school's cancelend the first week because of rain. It kinda makes you wonder what the rest of the years is going to bring, weather-wise! Ack! Good luck!

  18. It has been a nasty, rainy week, but gorgeous weekend.

  19. I loved these photos I still go to school. Now to....teach!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  20. How flipping cute are they!!

    I hope they enjoyed their first days.
